Reboot Your Tourism Business in 30 Days

Last updated on May 23, 2023
Our 30-Day Series will reboot your tourism business and give you the boost of motivation you need to develop your digital capacity and online presence.

Are you feeling somewhat lost or defeated in your business development journey? If yes, it’s time to reboot your tourism business.

Tourism Tribe has put together a 30-Day Tourism Business Reboot series, designed to give the Australian tourism community a boost of motivation and direction for developing their digital capacity and improving their online presence moving forward through 2021 and beyond! ????

The content featured in the 30-Day Tourism Business Reboot series is sourced directly from the highly practical online courses and training materials developed by Tourism Tribe.

Fortunately for you, all of the content that is available as part of this reboot series is completely free on Tourism Tribe’s website. There is no registration or login required to access the materials.

Here are some of the things our clients have been saying about the reboot:


The series consists of 30 blog posts with short videos, best practice examples and instructions that take between 5 minutes to an hour or two depending on the level of strategic marketing elements involved.

For you to focus on the most important aspects of your business and areas that require the most attention, we have gone ahead and broken down each of the topics into 5 different categories:

Tourism Collaboration and Destination Marketing

It is no secret, tourism businesses see more growth in their regional visitor economy when they collaborate with other businesses than when they work in isolation. See below simple ways you can reboot your tourism collaboration and destination marketing efforts:

Improve Your Website Performance

You’ve heard it before, your website is your most important online shopfront.

In fact, it is the only digital asset that you have full control of and it is critical that it serves its purpose by providing adequate information and it represents your business as accurately as possible.

The actions and advice listed below will help you reboot your website to make the experience of using your website as pleasant and helpful for your potential customers as possible:

Grow your Business by Enhancing your Social Media Presence

We see it too often, small businesses overestimating the importance and power of social media.

In fact, social media can help your business attract new customers, get feedback, build customer loyalty and increase your market reach. Listed below are practical ways you can reboot your social media:

Improve your Online Reputation

A positive online reputation is an absolute foundation of successfully marketing your business.

The content below will help you to better understand how to shape your offerings and marketing material around your business’s strengths and how to follow up with customer experiences through a clear set of procedures for stimulating and replying to customer feedback. Reboot your online reputation by:

Develop your Online Marketing Strategy

As tourism business owners, we tend to get so caught up in the day to day tasks that come with running a small business that we lose sight of the big picture.

The content below will allow you to take a look at your business with fresh eyes and re-evaluate according to new industry trends thereby allowing you to write a business plan that will help your business to keep moving forward. Reboot your tourism marketing strategy by:

Reboot your Tourism Business Checklist


If you’re the kind of person who gets satisfaction from ticking things off a to-do list, you can also download a printable PDF checklist that has each reboot linked.

For extra support, consider joining the 1,000+ members of Tourism Tribe’s free Facebook group to share your experience and seek guidance from your peers.

If you want to receive more updates, free course content, grant opportunities, digital and tourism-related tips and tricks – sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.

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