3 Visitor Experience Emails Every Tourism Business Must Send

Last updated on May 23, 2023

Is there anything better than going on holiday? Well, maybe winning a multi-million-dollar tattslotto, or those dream houses! But even then, for most of us, a large portion of one’s winnings would be spent on travel, sentimentally revisiting cherished destinations, and breaking new ground into unexplored territories. Knowing the importance of travel experiences in one’s life, is what we will focus on in this article to help you develop three visitor experience emails every tourism business must have.

Yes, holidays are happy times. But they can, sometimes, also be stressful, particularly post-pandemic. Whether a short weekend away, extended adventure or a day trip experience, planning and preparation have been invested into the trip before your customer has even departed, and their journey must go as smoothly as possible. 

Therefore, email communication between a business and its clients is essential in equipping customers with the critical information they need, especially during three important milestones in the travel journey: pre-visit, upon arrival, and post-visit. 

 Working on your communication strategy with a few strategic emails will go a long way to keep clients engaged with your business and help ease any fears and confusion if something goes wrong by providing practical details such as contact information, directions and genuine expression of gratitude that you have been chosen. Plus, it allows further education on any other opportunities for additions to their experience ie pre-booking dinner at your restaurant or pre-purchasing a souvenir photo package

1. Visitor Experience Pre-visit email

Welcome and thank you

A pre-visit welcome email communication both welcomes your guest and more importantly gives you the opportunity to thank them for their business. In addition, this provides the opportunity to show your client you know them. You know their names, contact information, number of guests, the amount paid, the amount due, where they are travelling, when they are leaving, and everything they will be experiencing with you

Getting to know you 

This email also gives them the opportunity to know your company as well as introduce yourself and your business. Update the client on what’s happening in your business and offer them the chance to subscribe to your newsletter. Furthermore, you have an opportunity to give your new client any specific contact info regarding your company, including who to contact in case of emergency and how.  

Practical info

Any important details such as company contact information should go here and necessary steps for preparation they may need in advance of the trip. You want to help them avoid a last-minute rush:

  • Travel regulations – vaccines, COVID restrictions
  • Required fitness level if it’s an active tour
  • Packing tips
  • Weather forecasts
  • Links to specific sections on your website


This document provides your guest with the necessary information for their trip, and where possible, a schedule for meetings and departure points, dates, times, hotels, and tours. 

For Example:

Welcome aboard ______

We can not thank you enough for choosing ________for your ______ experience.

Below is a summary of your booking details/experience:

Name _____

Date ______


Five fun facts to get you even more excited about ______ include:
1. _________

  1. _________
  2. _________
  3. _________
  4. _________

To help us help you make your stay/experience the best it can be, if there is any information or a special occasion you are celebrating, please let us know and we will love the opportunity to congratulate and acknowledge your milestone.

Enjoy your day ahead and thank you again for choosing ______

Looking forward to welcoming you very soon.

Loads of gratitude,

Team ______


2. Visitor Experience Upon Arrival email

Here, you want to welcome your guest to their destination and reiterate the activities they can look forward to during their trip. 

It’s the ‘no more sleeps’ email to show them how much you are looking forward to seeing and welcoming your guests.

 Make yourself available to them by again offering names, numbers, and emails of the contact people with which the client will be regularly interacting during their trip.

 Again, revisit their itinerary and let them know you are here to serve them and ensure their experience will be pleasant and memorable. 

 Sometimes it’s fun to include a video and any additional reminders of other experiences available for booking and pre-purchase during their stay with you.

For Example:

Top of the day ______

No more sleeps, the day has arrived and we can’t wait to see you.

To confirm your details:

Name _____

Date ______


As you arrive please don’t forget to follow us on all our key social media networks and use the hashtag #_________ to give us permission to repost any elements of your journey.



Welcome again and if you have any questions your key point of contact during your stay/experience will be ________ and will take great care of you and anything you need to make your experience the greatest it can be.

See you soon,

Team ______


 3. Visitor Experience Post-Visit email

The most important one of them all. 

The experience is over, and you want your guests to know you’re still thinking of them and appreciating their business. They need to know this too. So, thank them! It’s that simple.

A sincere ‘thank you’, will help keep the lines of communication open for repeat business and opportunities to continue your relationship. 

Let them know you hope they enjoyed their experience and mention the name of the location to keep it personal.

Building a solid review profile for your company is a great marketing tool, so use this opportunity to provide a link for review while they’re fresh off their journey and eager to share. 

For Example:

Hello ______

What a pleasure to host you on _______ in the _____________

We are grateful for your business and will love to welcome you back.

I trust you had an enjoyable experience and if you have any images or videos that you have shared on your socials please tag @_____ and use the hashtag #________ to give us permission to also share to our coaxial media community.

If at all you will like to book a stay in the next 12-months or purchase a gift voucher use code: VIP to receive ____________

Last but not least it will mean the world to the team here at _________ if you could leave a review and any of your favourite review platforms that helped you make a decision to choose us. To help you I have added the links directly to our review profiles.

Facebook Review
Google Review
TripAdvisor Review 

Thank you again and look forward to staying in touch.

Happy days,

Team ______


Let’s recap and take action:

Remember, all your emails must translate clearly and attractively onto smartphone screens. This is especially critical during their journey when their phones may be their only means of communication with the outside world. 

Back to basics, put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself what you’d need from a company to have a safe and enjoyable experience. Then, provide them with that same thorough your exceptional and outstanding customer service through your pre, during and post communications. 

Now it’s your turn. Being consistent is the key and so that you maintain a full-proof communications strategy, review your current communications and either update them or take the opportunity to create a communication strategy for your customer’s journey with you using the tips and examples above to guide you.

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