Group Support Call Summary – 7 March 2023

First published on March 9, 2023
Last updated on August 18, 2023

Group Support Calls are one of our Digital Academy Membership benefits.
During our calls, both Tourism Tribe and Navii (sister company servicing small businesses) are in attendance, so you may hear references to both brands.

A video summary and transcript of the 7 March Group Coaching Call which focused on Imagery and Video and Facebook.

Automated video transcript

Claire McCollum 0:00
So wonderful. Sophie isn’t too keen to have your face on camera, you can switch your camera off. But yeah, thanks so much for joining us today it’s been it’s so good to see business owners that are really committed to learning as much as they can and growing in this space because we all know how important it is to stay committed not only in our business but on our business as well. So Sam, you covered video and imagery. So you want to just give us a quick summary of maybe three great key takeaways that you’ve talked about in this group coaching call today?

Sam Ward 0:37
Yep. So first one is to test that if you haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of trying to post regularly for a month-to-month exercise, then you need to do it, even though it’s going to make you feel probably not great, it might hit your confidence a little bit or might make you feel very self-conscious. It doesn’t have to be you talking but just try different things. Try different topics that relate to your customer, and your persona. Jessica gave a great comment saying that you know, she had an off-topic, video that did really well. But if you can link that demographic and who those people are to your product, try it. That’s the way that you get information about your videos. The second one is to look at the data once you’ve posted and get an idea of what works and what doesn’t work. And thirdly, that’s when I would put more resources, time financial resources into making better quality and more consistent videos around the things that you’ve got more information about that have done well. Wonderful.

Claire McCollum 1:39
That’s great. Great tip, Sam, that’s really nice to hear the summary as well. So you can go okay, clear cut, what am I doing? And Emily’s Facebook?

Emily Barry 1:49
Yeah. So humming off the back of that, I just wanted to reiterate the importance of really understanding who your customers are and creating content that aligns with them. So regardless of whether it’s for videos on Facebook, or various other digital marketing channels, it’s important to understand and flush out what content your target audience wants to see, that’s not just related to your business, what you sell, and what you offer, but also who these customers are interested in, what are their, you know, their hobbies, their needs, their wants, and really understanding that before you spend a lot of time executing the content, creating it focusing on the technical elements, writing captions because at the end of the day, it comes back down to the content and the quality of the content and how your customers interact with that. So tying that back into the videos and the testing, and really just understanding what does well and how to do how to analyse that using some of the insights that Sam went through in his session.

Claire McCollum 2:58
Right, great stuff. And yeah, I’m sure I could say how much everyone benefited, from that, from what you were sharing. So I just wanted to just let everyone know, I can see that we’ve got a lot of people here that repeat, repeat offenders in wanting to work on their business. And I just wanted to let you know that most of you are part of a programme. So I encourage you just to make the most of the courses where you have that access, I’m sure you all know how valuable it is, especially these group calls the end what you have access to so just keep an eye on your dashboard of when your course is due to finish up and when your access will change. And we do have some great membership options to continue on this journey because I can just see how much you guys are really benefiting from it all. So I’m just going to pop that link in the chat of the memberships that are available to you. So you’ve got that in your back pocket. So when your course is finishing up or your programme is finishing up that you’ve got that there knowing that okay, you know, I can think about this making that commitment or to continuing on that commitment to your business and making the most of all these resources and, and, you know, you can say how dedicated we are to you. And yeah, we love it as much as you do. So thank you so much for joining us. Yeah, it’s great to have you aboard and we’ll see you in a couple of weeks’ time for another instalment. So have a wonderful day and we’ll see you next time. Thanks, guys, everyone. Bye.

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