4 top tips to market to Generation Z online

Last updated on May 23, 2023
Is your target market Generation Z? then this post is for you. We'll explain who they are, what platforms they use and how to avoid the scattergun approach.

If one of your target markets is the Generation Z, then this post is for you.

We’ll explain who they are, what platforms they use and most importantly what content you should be sharing with them. Avoid the scattergun approach and target your time and efforts to ensure maximum return.

Snapchat is a popular platform with the youth market

Who are Generation Z?

Quite simply they are customers born from 2000-2017. A significant aspect of this generation is the widespread usage of the Internet from a young age; members of Generation Z are typically thought of as being comfortable with technology, and interacting on social media websites for a significant portion of their socialising.

(Source – Wikipedia)

Gen Z is part of a generation that is global, social, visual and technological. They are the most connected, educated and sophisticated generation ever. They are the up-agers, with influence beyond their years. They are the tweens, the teens, the youth and young adults of our global society. They are the early adopters, the brand influencers, the social media drivers, the pop-culture leaders. They comprise nearly 2 billion people globally, and they don’t just represent the future, they’re creating it. (Source – GenerationZ.com)

What platforms are they using?

  • Generation Z likes Facebook and they like to consume video footage
  • They are also heavily into Snapchat
  • Timing is important with this group so try first thing in the morning

So, if Generation Z are your target market, here are our 4 top tips

  1. Use Facebook as your primary Social Media channel for this group.
    1. Ensure you are on and post regularly on Facebook preferably hitting the newsfeed early in the morning
    2. Link your Facebook page to your website
    3. Promote your business with engaging content on Facebook, keep it short and precise
    4. Be authentic and use video
  2. Post more frequently later in the week
  3. Use Snapchat to target this group
    1. Try Snapchat special offers
  4. Repurpose your content across platforms

Where to from here?

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