Actionable online marketing support now available for tourism businesses impacted by the Australian Bushfire Crisis

First published on January 15, 2020
Last updated on May 23, 2023
Tourism Tribe is offerring free resources and support to those businesses affected by the bushfires.

Tourism Tribe

Media Release
January 15, 2020
For Immediate Distribution

Not only have the recent bushfires decimated thousands of acres of land and wildlife, they have also impacted the livelihoods of many people whose number one income source is tourism or derived from the visitor economy. The downturn in business and visitors to their region can prevail for 18 months and longer, whilst consumer confidence is slowly restored.

To enable bushfire affected regions to fast track the recovery and minimise the economic downturn, Tourism industry marketing specialists Tourism Tribe have put together essential resources for Australian tourism operators who are now or will soon be trying to attract guests to return to their destination. These resources are free and include online communication snippets, support and an online workshop.

“Time is of the essence: specific and targeted communications and marketing, whilst finding the right open and honest style, are critical to restore consumer confidence as quickly as possible to reduce the downturn time and there are proven actions that a tourism business can take to minimise the impact to their bottom line and build a healthy pipeline of bookings into the future”, said Liz Ward, CEO, Tourism Tribe.

Tourism operators who are directly impacted by the disaster are dealing with a complex and stressful set of challenges to rebuild their business and their lives. Furthermore, businesses that are not directly impacted but operate in an area that has been affected or an area close-by suffer the fall-out from the perceptions of would-be travellers who might overestimate the extent of the damage to a region, access to the region, safety concerns and questions over whether there is anything to enjoy presently in that destination.

The resources are provided at no cost and include:

  • Detailed article covering practical communications advice and resources available for tourism operators who are impacted by the bushfires. The article contains information for tourism businesses that are still operating as well as for those businesses that have temporarily closed their doors.
  • Full access to Tourism Tribe’s online training resources for a period of three months. This includes access to the complete Tourism Tribe library of short courses to help their business get back on top of their digital marketing and operations so they can put their business in the best possible position to welcome back guests and move forward.
  • Free workshop on post-disaster marketing.


Tracey Larkin, owner operator at Mt Barney Lodge in South East Queensland, which narrowly escaped total destruction from bushfires before Christmas said “thanks for putting these enormously helpful resources together, they’re going to be really useful to us and other operators…we have struggled through our post-bushfire experience as best we can, but it is tricky encouraging guests to come back.  We will make use of the recovery marketing tips especially for our upcoming Australia Day #buyfromthebush recovery event.”

For information about essential steps businesses should take and registration to the training, please visit this this article:

For interview please contact Liz Ward, CEO, Tourism Tribe +61 419 578 200

Below is a screenshot of some of the communication snippets available on the Tourism Tribe article.

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