Thank you, we've got your response!

We will be contacting your booking provider and requesting them to provide better documentation to help you connect your booking system.
Please also check your inbox, we’ve emailed you our detailed GA4 setup checklist.

We're helping live this week

This week, Fab and Julia are holding face to face GA4 support sessions at lunch in their Zoom room. These sessions are free to our Digital Academy members. You can join here for one month for $33.

Wow, I cannot believe my luck! Fabie and Julia set up my whole GA4 for me during last week's GA support sessions. This would have cost me over $200 if I had to pay a web developer and I wouldn't even know where to find one that had thought about all those steps for me
Tania Paul
Yarraman Caravan Park

How did others answer?

Percentage of operators who have already configured GA4.

  • Ensure you use our Cheatsheet so you do not forget any steps, including Search console connection.
  • Our Google Analytics course also provides a detailed video walktrhough.

Percentage of operators who have connected their booking systems.

  • Doing so will require you to set up ecommerce in Google Tag Manager (this is the bit where booking systems lack support to help operators achieve this).
  • Once set up properly you will be able to view your visitors from start to finish (view the product pages, add to cart, start to check out and check out).
  • You will therefore be able to see where they drop off and be able to improve your online user experience.

The most popular booking systems

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