Revenue Generation

Fast-track Program

Maximise the revenue-generation capabilities of your website by using GA4 to make data-driven decisions

Limited seats!

*first-in best-dressed

What's included

Workshop 1
Configuring GA4 to track sales

Recorded version: available within your course

You’ll learn:

  • How to set up Google Analytics from A to Z 
  • Including all the things your web developer wouldn’t have set up such as lead tracking, phone tracking, email tracking and booking system! 

Group Call support

Fortnightly group support call (alternates between Tue and Thu)

Workshop 2
Clicks to Conversions: Understanding the GA4 reports​

Recorded version: available within your course

We promise you’ll learn:

  • How to read the GA4 reports
  • Which keywords are bringing you free traffic to your site
  • Which pages are people visiting first
  • Which pages need to be improved and how
  • Where to stop spending money 

Group Call support

Fortnightly group support call (alternates between Tue and Thu)

Workshop 3
Metrics to Magic: Taking data-driven marketing action

Recorded version: available within your course

We promise you’ll learn:

  • How to make decisions on where to invest money and save money when it comes to getting direct visitors to your website
  • How to find out which page to improve on your website

Group Call support

Fortnightly group support call (alternates between Tue and Thu)

Group Call support

Fortnightly group support call (alternates between Tue and Thu)

+ the Digital Academy bells and whistles! 🎉

Tourism tech hotline
A practical personal digital assistant at your fingertips. Call or email, same-day help!
Rapid Response level only

Group support meetings

Ask questions or learn from others Get new ideas twice a month

Monthly Check-Ins

We will personally contact you every month to review your progress.

Grants notification

We sift through grants for you and notify you via email

Fast-track programs

All our Fast-track programs are included in your Digital Academy membership.

Self-paced courses

24/7 access to all the tools and techniques you need to market your business online + tons of examples.

Industry contacts

Get connected with the right people View partners on a map

Coaching Discounts

Discounted coaching sessions
Many other member perks

Exclusive emails

Latest opportunities and news, Member-only bonuses Grant notifications

"I can log on to Tourism Tribe and ask for help ~ and get it in a timely way. It is simply amazing."

Sue Forrester from The Burrow at Wombat Bend B&B,
Dixons Creek, Yarra Valley, Victoria

I joined Tourism Tribe at its beginning. As a person with enthusiasm and a strong desire to improve my understanding of my niche in the tourism industry, I felt that here was an opportunity to grasp with both hands. I have found working with Liz and Fabie, even though we have not met ‘in person’, is akin to having a personal mentor beside me at every turn. The Tourism Tribe program has become a must for me to engage with, and the more specific and detailed programs on offer from these inspiring women and their industry contacts, the more I feel I am being guided and empowered to identify my place in our industry. I also know I can ask questions in the Tourism Tribe support forum and not be ignored. I know that others are in the same learning boat, and that gives me additional confidence that I am far from alone. It can be isolating when one is not part of a busy office structure where lots of people have the answers to a problem; to know I can log on to Tourism Tribe and ask for help ~ and get it in a timely way ~ is simply amazing. And all for a very small annual investment of a few dollars. I can’t speak highly enough of Liz and Fabie and the extraordinarily generous product they have created for us. They truly are ‘Givers’. Each of them freely offers insights from their own unique experiences and perspectives of working in this industry.

Sign up for your Fast-track program here

All Fast-track programs come with the Digital Academy membership. You have the option to include the Tech support hotline or not.

Fast track + Digital Academy with Hotline

includes Digital Academy Rapid Response: hotline + group calls + all courses​

Fast track + Digital Academy without Hotline

includes Digital Academy Liferaft: group calls + all courses

Check out the feedback on our courses from our members

The Digital Academy is for you if...

You are a time-poor small business owner

Yes that's me!

You know digital marketing is important but you don't know where to start

Yes that's me!

You want access to digital experts without paying thousands of $$$

Yes that's me!

You have a website but you don't know how to make the most of it

Yes that's me!

You want to be part of a community of like-minded business owners

Yes that's me!

You lack motivation

Yes that's me!

Why chose the Digital Academy?

A team of Australia-based, passionate and successful small business experts
Community of 1000+ like-minded business owners
We are the pioneers in small business digital education in Australia and the Asia-Pacific
Delivering digital training in plain English for over 20 years
We did it the hard way and want to share the shortcuts with you
Of coaching delivered
businesses trained in region-wide programs
Digital Health Checks ™ delivered

Our partners


We know there are A LOT of courses out there promising a lot of things.

Our aim is to teach you how to help yourself, in the areas that will specifically work for you and YOUR individual business (ie. not the cookie cutter approach).

  • We LISTEN to YOU and what YOU need.
  • We curate our services based on your feedback and we strongly encourage you to engage with us!
  • We have been working with small businesses for the past 20 years, so we know what issues you face and how to make it easy to implement solutions!
  • We have a team of passionate experts that are here to help you every working day
  • You will get a sense of belonging by joining our community of over a thousand of like-minded business owners

We know there are a lot of courses out there promising a lot of things.  Our aim is to teach you how to help yourself, in the areas that will specifically work for you and YOUR individual business (ie. not the cookie cutter approach).  Our team have a great deal of experience in the small business industry and our mission is to support you by giving you access to digital tools and knowledge to increase productivity, profitability and time savings in your business. When you participate in one of our courses, you also receive:

  • Assistance when you need us, with options to access Digital help and advice every working day.
  • Access to our Digital Mini-Course Library, Templates, Coaching calls, Premium support, course discounts and industry discounts.  
  • The support, knowledge and camaraderie of hundreds of fellow Tourism Tribe members 

In addition to our Online training courses, we also offer complimentary services such as Digital Health Checks, 1-on-1 coaching and consultations and more.

YES! In many different ways at different membership levels.

  • All memberships include our standard support level whereby you can ask a question on any of our topics and our team will answer!
  • Our Liferaft and Rapid Response memberships include Group Support Calls every month.
  • Our Rapid Response membership includes our Support Hotline! Yes, you can talk to a real person every weekday from 9 to 5 and ask us all your questions!

We are based in Australia and our customers are 90% Australian.

  • We work across all Australian time zones and our Group calls suit people from all states!
  • The support hotline is available from 9am to 5pm AEST.

Absolutely! Our whole approach is based on giving you the tools and knowledge to work from wherever you are located, whenever you want!

  • You have 24/7 access to the course library and resources and you can ask questions at any time.
  • We use a blended learning method which is a combination of self-paced and face-to-face resources (zoom or in-person).

We always try to get feedback from our members to find timings that work for the majority of people, but if you cannot attend don’t worry, we will send you the recordings that you can watch whenever you want!

Join a global alliance of amazing tourism businesses learning the ropes, supporting each other and finding possibilities in what may often feel impossible!

You will:

Save thousands in contractor's fees and avoid costly mistakes

Be focused and accountable

Avoid costly mistakes and get the right information from the start instead of realising half-way through your implementation that you have gone down the wrong path

Learn how to do business better, smarter, and be more cost-effective thanks to digital tools and best practices

Gain the necessary skills to grow your business

Save your time searching for an answer and turn your business goals into reality

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