In a tourism-driven economy such as the Discovery Coast, all businesses are vulnerable to the effects of a major crisis event.
Whether it’s a bushfire sweeping the Gladstone region, a particularly intense cyclone season, a terror event in Brisbane or a global pandemic, the ripple effect from a highly publicised disaster can cause serious damage to the reputation of a tourism town.
This course acknowledges the impacts of media coverage of a crisis and provides guidance on how to counteract the coverage to ensure your business survives the events and is able to thrive in the months and years that follow.
This course provides guidance in three steps of the disaster response journey: first, we go through some basic preparation steps to guard your precious assets, second, we go through the best way to react to a disaster event, and finally, we look at how to rebuild the reputation of your business and region in the wake of a crisis. At the end of each lesson is a short multipe-choice quiz to test your knowledge.