How to balance your Social Media posts

Last updated on May 23, 2023
Did you know that there is an optimal balance that you need to find in your posts to maximise your social media engagement? In this post we'll explain the basics.

Did you know that there is an optimal balance that you need to find in your posts to maximise your social media engagement? In this post we’ll explain the basics.

30% should be about your business

You’ll generally find this information in the “About Us” part of your Website, but this information also needs to appear on your social media pages

It needs to describe your business and who your are and what you do.

Examples of copy that you could include

  • How big is the company?
  • How many people does it employ?
  • Is it family owned?
  • How long have you been operating?
  • A bit about your business background, what are your values and what makes your business special?

30% should be educational content

Educational content is just that, content that educates the reader about a particular topic, the key to it’s success is the relevance to the reader. Examples you could include are;

  • Interesting facts and photographs about your town, region,
  • Local events and activities.
  • Nearby businesses who provide great service or activities that compliment your business.
  • You could showcase local walks and “hidden treasures” only the locals know.
  • You could even feature locals who are doing great things in the community.

30% entertaining or inspirational content

Once again, the key to success is relevance. Does the funny meme resonate with your customers? Does the topic have something in common with them and their core values? Is it aspirational? Or is it just plain funny? Sometimes you can break the rules and just post something because it just might brighten their day!

10% sales orientated

As only 10% of your posts should be sales related, you need to make them count. Consider special offers, specials which have a sense of urgency, added bonuses that only apply if booked with a special code from a particular social media channel.

Encourage the sharing of the sales post to increase readership, by using a “hook” that you can deliver on. This could be;

  • A value add if they book direct
  • A special discount code
  • A competition that offers your product as a prize.

When developing your content calendar try recording what category each post belongs too, post 3-4 times a week on a regular basis and that way you’ll be able to manage the balance .

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