Despina Karatzias 0:08
Hello, welcome. I have Mikayla here, who is leading the way and carving out new paths. carving out new bread you new traits at 1816 Bakery. It’s been so wonderful. Mikayla, to have you part of this programme meeting you working with you. Tell me what have been some of the benefits and the wins of being involved in a digital mastery programme through visit Ballarat. And in tourism tribe.
Michaela 0:42
I think one of the main things is that social media, when you’re in small business, and you got a lot of things on your plate, social media can easily be the thing that falls off. But going through the programme, learning about some of the scheduling tools and things to make it sort of a bit easier and take less of your time has been really helpful.
Despina Karatzias 1:02
You have blown our minds to see how far you’ve taken scheduling Maddie. And I just feel like proud peacocks when we saw what you produced this morning. So really, really excellent work with Taylor. And it’s true, you are really hands on. It’s a bakery, it’s a cafe, you’re not really in an office. So I think a lot of small businesses can relate to that. And like we were saying, it’s like if you’ve helped your future self, yeah, you’ve just done from month ahead with the strategy around it. What would you say to other small businesses that are very hands on and not in front of the computer all the time, like yourself when opportunities like these come their way? Or in the inbox?
Michaela 1:48
Yeah, absolutely, I would definitely say go for it. I think taking a bit of time to like you said, set it up to help your future self is easier than sort of being reactive. So having that plan in place to get you to where you need to be instead of finding things as they come up.
Despina Karatzias 2:08
Brilliant. And now we’ve stretched ourselves after today. So you are doing incredible things, even in your online ordering your bakery with an E commerce elements. What can we what can we see ahead? What What can we look forward to seeing from 1816 after our session,
Michaela 2:27
so we’re going to push into some spaces that we haven’t before. Now that we’ve got a bit more time under our belts, because we’ve used those scheduling tools. So we’re going to have a go at some tic TOCs and building the website content through blogging.
Despina Karatzias 2:45
Excellent. I’m really proud. I’m really grateful that you said yes, it’s been wonderful to meet and work with you. And and I’ll be watching you with great interest of 1816 bakeries where it’s looking up on the website, Christmas ordering coming up all the buildings. We’ve also done some planning around that today, which is a tiny, thank you. Thank you all the very best and keep inspiring