Testimonial from Vintage Rail Journeys

Thanks so much Mandy, we really appreciated your time, advice and ability to help us work out some of the marketing issues we were having. Small business can be really lonely (even when there are two of us!) and we appreciated you taking time and interest in our business. We also really appreciate the training modules that Tourism Tribe have developed, they are to the point, easy to read and digest and very well constructed to step us through the development of products. We have found ourselves in just the right place at the right time for your training, and it suits our learning styles perfectly. thanks Simon and Danielle Vintage Rail Journeys
Simon Mitchell
- Destination New South Wales Digital Skills Accelerator - Western Sydney 2023
- Coaching session
- Mandy Murray
Which part of the training did you find most beneficial?
Having two mentoring sessions is a really great idea - each time we spoke to Mandy we came to the session in a different way. The first session we were able to be really specific with our Health Check results, getting some great advice, tips and homework to help us implement the recommendations. The second session felt like we had developed rapport with Mandy and could talk about things more broadly with her - still focussed on delivery, but able to take a step back and ask for some broader advice.
My understanding has improved
Strongly Agree
I will apply the knowledge learnt
Strongly Agree
The facilitator was knowledgeable
The service/product met my expectations
Strongly Agree
What is your overall satisfaction
Very satisfied
How likely are you to recommend to a friend
Yes, absolutely
Our latest testimonials
- All
- ATDW Health Check
- Bespoke consulting
- Coaching session
- Digital Academy
- Digital Engagement Health Check ™
- Live online workshop
- Other
- Quick Win (free webinar)
- Self-paced course
- Small group coaching session
- Whole Program
- WordPress support
- Workshop (in a physical location)
- All
- ATDW Health Check
- Bespoke consulting
- Coaching session
- Digital Academy
- Digital Engagement Health Check ™
- Live online workshop
- Other
- Quick Win (free webinar)
- Self-paced course
- Small group coaching session
- Whole Program
- WordPress support
- Workshop (in a physical location)