Heike Edrich 0:00
Yep. This program that I have shown is exactly what I had been looking for the last two years or so. What I love about it is I can work at my own pace but have support whenever I have a question. And it really covers all the different areas of digital marketing, so and how you can combine them all in the end.
Despina Karatzias 0:31
Amazing and how can other colleagues and operators find you and the incredible work that you’ve done with your website.
Heike Edrich 0:45
While we are on Tamborine Mountain in the local area, we have been here for many, many years in the same spot. Or you can find us on our new website where we share with you all the different activities we undertake.
Despina Karatzias 1:02
And tell us about your new website. What’s your new one?
Heike Edrich 1:06
Our new website is
Despina Karatzias 1:13
which has not only incredible cakes and platters and baskets, picnic baskets, but you’re amazing. You’ve been able to translate your retail gift store into an online platform now. Yeah, amazing. You’ve done such an excellent job and after our first coaching session today, I’m completely inspired by just how much you’ve been able to do before you’ve even really started the program. So I commend you and I congratulate you and well done.
Heike Edrich 1:47
Thank you so much. Thank you so much.