Work smarter not harder
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What you'll learn
Running a tourism business is a time-consuming task. There is always so much to do and never enough hours in the day to do it. Thankfully, there are ways to regain some of this oh-so-precious resource. In this short course, we’ll show you some smart tricks, tools and shortcuts to help you organise your team, automate your processes and improve your overall productivity.
Course length
1.5 hours plus exercises and implementation
Suitable from
Beginner level
Progress at your own pace
Course certificate
Upon completion
Built-in support
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Your support crew...

Liz Ward

Fabienne Wintle

Julia Retson

Claire McCollum

Molly Dobbins

Despina Karatzias

Emily Barry

Sam Ward

Clem Lallement

Kerrin Wallace

Mandy Murray

Vicky Trainor